Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Tuesday: 12,247 / 11,132; 4.9 miles

Monday I didn't walk because it got too late, and was snowing! Plus I was just tired. Total steps: 890, 0; 0.36 miles

Today I walked to the school where I took a picture of the beautiful flowering cherry, which was raining down petals in the breeze. So gorgeous! From there I walked up the road to the Y, and then to the library to return a couple of CDs. Picked up another CD and a DVD and continued on around the cemetery, and then home via the trail. I was short some steps so walked the little trail to the church driveway and came back next to the church. Improved my time some, but my feet hurt some and have some hot spots.

Total steps: 12,247, aerobic 11,132 in 94 minutes; 4.95 miles

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