Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Week Eleven: end 29 April & Wednesday: 12,925 / 11,236; 5.3 miles

This has felt like recovery week, although I didn't really have jet lag as such. I guess I expected my feet to toughen up, and stop getting blisters and such! Maybe that won't happen. And while I had energy during the trip, it has ebbed this week. I hope May is better.

On the other hand, I broke 220! Am hovering between 216 and 217 pounds. I'm eager to see what Dr. Jordan's scale tells me on Thursday.

Week 11 total steps: , aerobic: ; miles

Total steps week one: 53,280, two: 82,108, three: 76,687, four: 64,701, five: 70,464, six: 79,729.

Total aerobic steps week one: 43,785, two: 72,160, three: 63,527, four: 55,669, five: 58,600, six: 63,332.

Total mileage week one: 24.71, two: 33.65, three: 31.44, four: 26.52, five: 28.89, six: 32.27.

Wednesday (have to catch-up post here, or it will show up in May!)
Walked up over the ridge and back. It was cool to see the rain coming, and then blowing over. Rather windy today!

Total steps: 12,925, aerobic: 11,236; 5.3 miles

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